kuenishi (7)¶
UENISHI Kota : kuenishi^at^gmail.com
Native Japanese speaking, business level English speaking
Tokyo, Japan
GPG Key :
/ Key fingerprint =FF7E B3FF 4AEE ADEA 764D 2F33 BD95 145F 8CD4 5203
Computer Skills¶
Distributed Systems, Storage Systems, High Availability Design
C, C++, Erlang/OTP, Java, Python, Go
Linux, Apache Mesos, Chainer
Work Experience¶
Software Engineer at Preferred Networks, November 2017 -
Internal storage system build and operation, using ZFS, Apache Hadoop, and Apache Ozone
Distributed RL research for robots to grasp unseen objects
Chainer, ChainerMN development with a focus on fault tolerance in distributed deep learning
Software Engineer at Nautilus Technologies Inc, , April 2016 - October 2017
Retz, a Mesos framework for batch job execution
Senior Software Engineer at Basho , September 2012 - March 2016
Riak CS development, team lead (2014-)
Engineer, at NTT , April 2007 - August 2012
On April 2012 Information Sharing Platform Laboratories divided into two laboratories - Software Innovation Center and Secure Platform Laboratories.
2011-2012 open source: Development of Jubatus - joint work with Preferred Infrastructure Inc., writing C++, Python and OCaml.
2008-2012 proprietary: Development of distributed database system inclusing consensus system. 2-3 softwares written in C, C++.
Publication (en)¶
A Year with Apache Ozone, Preferred Tech Blog, 2021.
Yasuhiro Fujita, Kota Uenishi, Avinash Ummadisingu, Prabhat Nagarajan, Shimpei Masuda, Mario Ynocente Castro. Distributed Reinforcement Learning of Targeted Grasping with Active Vision for Mobile Manipulators. IROS2020. [arXiv:2007.08082 ]
Seiya Tokui, Ryosuke Okuta, Takuya Akiba, Yusuke Niitani, Toru Ogawa, Shunta Saito, Shuji Suzuki, Kota Uenishi, Brian Vogel, and Hiroyuki Yamazaki Vincent. 2019. Chainer: A Deep Learning Framework for Accelerating the Research Cycle. KDD ‘19. [ arXiv:2908.00213 , ACM ]
Satoshi Oda, Kota Uenishi, and Shingo Kinoshita, “Jubatus: Scalable Distributed Processing Framework for Realtime Analysis of Big Data” , NTT Technical Review, 2012.
Publication (ja)¶
Apache Ozoneをやっていた一年, 2021, Preferred Tech Blog.
Preferred Networks におけるHadoop, 2020, Preferred Tech Blog.
分散深層学習における耐故障性と可塑性, 2019, Preferred Tech Blog.
データベースエンジニア養成読本 第6章 “Riakを使い切るための基礎と最新知識”, 2013, 技術評論社
ソフトウェアデザイン 連載「分散データベース 未来工房」 2013年7月号~, 技術評論社
小田哲・中山心太・上西康太・木下真吾, “Jubatus: Distributed Framework for Real-time processing of BigData”, IN研2012 , IEICE
“Jubatus 分散処理の仕組み”, Jubatus workshop 2012. slide
WebDB Forum「大規模分散リアルタイム機械学習を支える技術と今後の展望」岡野原 大輔, 海野 裕也, 上西 康太, 小田 哲, 2011.
“Erlang Update,” on “函数型プログラミングの集い” (Functional Programming Meetup Tokyo), Sep 2011 (slides ) .
“Apache Ozone Behind Simulation And Ai Industries,” ApacheCon Asia 2022 ( Slides ).
“Distributed Deep Learning with Chainer and Hadoop,” Hadoop Source Code Reading, 2019.
Master of Science, University of Tokyo, 2007: (Large Vocabulary Continuous) Speech Recognition at in Keikichi Hirose Lab.
BS in Electronic Information Engineering, University of Tokyo, 2005: Genetic Algorithm, Humanoid Robot at Hitoshi Iba Lab.